Insurance Coverage to Protect Your Residence While It Is Actively Being Renovated

Update your home insurance policy before you begin a renovation project. The coverage will increase the liability, loss, and damage protection your residence currently has.

Renovations and Increased Risks

You may need to file an insurance claim during an active renovation. Since one or more rooms in your home will be disrupted during the renovation, you increase your risk of enduring an injury or dealing with damage.

Your Analysis

Inspect the area where the renovation will be done. Then, assess your project plans. These steps will indicate whether purchasing increased home protection coverage is a good idea.

If you are not familiar with the risk factors to look for, have your home professionally inspected. The results will give you a better understanding of the risks involved.

If the renovation project is going to be conducted on an upper level in your home, for instance, you may be concerned about accidental slips and falls. If so, you may decide to purchase insurance coverage that will provide you with additional liability coverage.

Loose Materials

Seek insurance coverage for the loose materials that will be used during the renovation project. Research insurance products that protect tools, structural products, and decorative materials.

If you are investing in new furnishings or other household goods, plan on insuring these possessions.

Contact Fortress Insurance Agency

Contact an agent who represents the Fortress Insurance Agency. One of our agents who serves the Overland Park, KS region will inform you about some popular insurance products. The insurance coverage that you buy will provide protection while the home renovations are underway.