The Importance of Maintaining Your Landscaping to Help Minimize Home Insurance Claims

A well-maintained landscape not only enhances your home’s curb appeal but can also play a significant role in preventing potential insurance claims. At Fortress Insurance Agency, serving residents in the greater Overland Park, KS area, we want to help you understand why keeping your outdoor space in tip-top shape matters.

The Importance of Maintaining Your Landscaping

Preventing Liability Hazards

Overgrown trees and bushes can obscure walkways and driveways, increasing the risk of accidents. Regular trimming and maintenance help prevent injuries to visitors and passersby. This proactive approach can reduce the likelihood of liability claims and help keep your insurance premiums in check.

Protecting Against Weather Damage

Proper landscaping can act as a natural barrier against weather-related damage. Well-maintained trees are less likely to break and cause property damage during storms. Additionally, regular yard maintenance minimizes debris buildup that could clog drains and lead to flooding.

Preserving Property Value

Neglected landscaping can lead to issues like soil erosion and water damage, affecting the structural integrity of your home. Routine upkeep, such as maintaining a healthy lawn and proper drainage, helps preserve your property’s value and reduces the likelihood of making a claim due to preventable damage.

Schedule A Consultation Today!

Maintaining your landscaping isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s a proactive measure to prevent potential home insurance claims. By reducing liability hazards, protecting against weather damage, and preserving your property’s value, a well-kept outdoor space can contribute to a safer and more secure home. Regular landscaping maintenance is an investment that pays off both in terms of your home’s appearance and your insurance risk mitigation. If you are in the market for a new home insurance policy in the greater Overland Park, KS region, let Fortress Insurance Agency assist you. Call now to learn more.

Easy ways to eat healthier

Eating healthier can seem like a daunting task here in the Overland Park, KS area, but it doesn’t have to be. There are easy and delicious ways to make small changes that will help you get on the path to better health.

Here are some simple tips from us at Fortress Insurance Agency for eating healthier: 

1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.

Eat a healthy breakfast to kick-start your metabolism and have adequate energy for the rest of the day. Choose breakfast foods that are full of fiber and protein, such as oatmeal, eggs, whole grain toast, and fruit. 

2. Pack your own lunch or snacks.

Making your own lunch or snacks prevents you from making unhealthy choices when dining out. Pack nutritious options such as fruits, nuts, and vegetables paired with lean proteins like tuna or peanut butter. 

3. Eat more plant-based meals.

Incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet is an easy way to get more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into your body without having to sacrifice taste or nutrition quality. Try adding extra fruits and vegetables into dishes whenever possible, or start with one meatless meal a week. 

4. Cut back on processed foods.

Processed food usually contains unhealthy fats, salt, and added sugars which can be detrimental to our health if consumed in large amounts over time. Try swapping out processed snack options for healthier alternatives such as fresh fruit or trail mix made with nuts and dried fruit instead! 

5. Monitor portion sizes.

Make sure you’re not overeating by monitoring portion sizes of food choices when cooking at home or dining out at restaurants – this will help you maintain a healthy diet without feeling deprived of flavor! 

Reach Out To Us

For more tips or to explore a health insurance policy, please give us at Fortress Insurance Agency a call today. We are proud to serve the Overland Park, KS area.

Tips to prepare your boat for a storm

Preparing your boat for a storm is an important part of marine safety here in the Overland Park, KS area. Knowing what to do and how to do it when a storm is on its way can help ensure the protection of your vessel, passengers, and crew. Here are some tips from us at Fortress Insurance Agency to help you prepare your boat for a storm.

Tips to prepare your boat for a storm

1. Move Your Boat:

If time permits, it’s best to move your boat away from the shoreline or dock onto deeper waters where waves won’t be as strong and destructive.

2. Secure Loose Gear:

Make sure all loose items are secured on board before the storm arrives. This includes tying down any canvas covers or sails, as well as securing anything that could become projectiles in high winds like oars, life jackets, anchors, and fishing gear.

3. Check Fuel & Fluid Levels:

Make sure your fuel and fluid levels are full before a storm strikes so you have enough gas on hand if you decide to take shelter or run from the storm. Also, check other systems such as electrical components and batteries – these should all be functioning properly so that you don’t get stranded in bad weather due to technical problems. 

4. Properly Anchor Your Boat:

Anchoring your boat correctly can make all the difference during a severe storm; make sure you employ proper anchoring techniques such as using multiple anchors at different angles or depths and ensuring they have enough rope attached for flexibility of movement in changing water depths or wind directions during the storm. 

Reach Out To Us

For more tips, give us at Fortress Insurance Agency a call today. We are proud to serve the Overland Park, KS area.

Understanding Nebraska Auto Insurance Requirements

Here at Fortress Insurance Agency, although we maintain offices in Overland Park, KS we serve the residents of many states with the insurance they need. That includes Nebraska and so we want to apprise you of the auto insurance requirements of that state. When you move from one state to another, the insurance requirements change.

Nebraska Requires Liability Coverage

Like other US states, Nebraska requires its drivers to purchase liability insurance to help cover the costs of any person injured in an accident you cause. This insurance also covers property damage you cause.

Nebraska sets legal minimum insurance requirements for each driver. Note, that’s not per car, but per driver. If you and your spouse drive the car, your insurance must list you both as drivers. If your teenager obtains a driving license, you must add their name to your policy, too. Your auto liability policy must contain the following insurance minimums:

  • $25,000 in bodily injury coverage per person per accident,
  • $50,000 in bodily injury coverage for all people harmed in an accident,
  • $25,000 in property damage coverage per accident.

You can add optional coverage to improve the financial protection of your auto to your insurance policy. In Nebraska, you can add comprehensive, collision, uninsured motorist, and medical payments coverage. The latter coverage type bears similarity to personal injury protection (PIP) coverage offered in some US states.

Contact Us to Insure Your Auto

Contact Fortress Insurance Agency in Overland Park, KS for more information on auto insurance for your vehicles in Nebraska. We serve Nebraska residents with the auto insurance they need to protect their financial security. Let us help you insure the drivers in your family.

Required Auto Insurance in Kansas

If you own a vehicle, it’s important to always keep an auto insurance policy on it. It’s required by Kansas law that you have at least the minimum amount of required coverage types in your policy. Your insurance agent will know what you need and what else would be helpful to have in your auto policy.  When you need auto insurance, call us today at Fortress Insurance Agency in Overland Park, KS.

Required Coverage for Kansas Vehicles

There are several different types of coverage that are required for Kansas drivers to have. These come in various minimum amounts that are required, though drivers can add more coverage to the minimum amounts. In the state, bodily injury liability coverage is required. This includes one amount for one person who is injured and another amount for everyone injured in the accident.

There is also an amount required for property damage liability coverage. In addition, every driver must have an amount of bodily injury coverage for one person injured when an accident happens with an uninsured motorist. There is another amount required for everyone who is injured in that type of accident. There is also basic personal injury protection coverage that is required. This is an amount for each person who is injured in the accident from your own vehicle. 

Other Coverage

In addition to the required coverage, you may want to get comprehensive or collision insurance coverage. With collision insurance, the damage to your vehicle is covered. With comprehensive coverage, the vehicle is covered against a wide range of risks that it faces when it isn’t being driven. 

Get Auto Insurance in Kansas

When you own a vehicle in the state, you have to have an auto policy for it. To get a policy, call us at Fortress Insurance Agency in Overland Park, KS.

State Requirements for Recreational Insurance

When you purchase an RV or other recreational vehicle that you will drive on Kansas roads, you must also purchase recreational insurance for it according to state law. Fortress Insurance Agency, serving the greater Overland Park, KS community, wants to help you understand the state’s requirements so you obtain the right policy. Driving an RV uninsured or underinsured carries the same penalties as driving an automobile without insurance.

State Requirements for Recreational Insurance

Insuring a Towable RV

An RV that you tow with your car doesn’t need its own policy. To insure a non-motorized towable, you add an endorsement to your auto insurance. This works for travel trailers, pop-up campers, and fifth-wheels.

Insuring an RV You Drive

Like driving a car, you must carry separate insurance on the RV. This recreational insurance uses state minimums, just like the insurance you would buy for your SUV or truck. Because you purchased a self-propelled RV, whether a camper van or motorhome, you need to meet the same minimum coverage requirements in Kansas as for auto insurance. Your recreational policy must include:

  • Bodily injury liability coverage in the amount of $25,000 per person,
  • Bodily injury liability coverage in the amount of $50,000 per accident,
  • Property damage liability coverage in the amount of $25,000 per accident,
  • Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance in the amount of $4,500 per person,
  • Uninsured motorist insurance (UIM) in the amount of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

That only covers the other individuals on the road, so you still need to add to the state minimum insurance to cover your own RV, especially if you live and travel in it full-time.

Adding collision, comprehensive, and personal liability coverage ensures that you insure your vehicle and cover your own liability completely if you live in your RV. Adding roadside assistance ensures you have help if your RV experiences a breakdown on the road.

Contact Us Today

Contact Fortress Insurance Agency serving Overland Park, KS to learn more about recreational insurance for your RV. Let us help you remain legal on the road.

Safe boating tips

Safe boating is a fun activity enjoyed by many in the Overland Park, KS area, but it’s important to be aware of safety tips and regulations. Fortress Insurance Agency has long been providing boat insurance to our clients and can assist with related queries. 

Here are a few tips from us to keep your boating experience safe and enjoyable:

1. Wear a life jacket at all times

 It’s the law in most states that children must wear life jackets while on the water, but everyone should be wearing one regardless of age or swimming ability. It could save your life!

2. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol impairs judgment and can put yourself and others at risk of an accident. If you do plan on drinking, make sure someone else is designated as navigator who isn’t under the influence so you can make it back safely. 

3. Have an emergency plan

Make sure you know how to contact emergency services in case of an accident or distress signal, and know where your nearest hospital is located in case of medical emergencies. 

4. Be aware of weather conditions

Weather can change quickly, especially near the shoreline where wind speed can significantly increase with little warning. Make sure you check local forecasts before heading out each time, so you’re aware of any approaching storms or high-speed winds. 

5. Familiarize yourself with boat navigation rules

To ensure everyone has a safe experience on the water, make sure you understand navigation rules such as right-of-way when operating around other boats and buoys that mark special water zones for safe navigation near shorelines or fishing areas. 

Get Boat Insurance Today

Remember to stay safe out there! With these tips in mind, you can enjoy your time on the water without having to worry about any potential risks associated with boating activities. For more tips, call us at Fortress Insurance Agency today. We serve the Overland Park, KS area boat owners with vital insurance coverage.

Safe driving tips for new drivers

As a new driver, staying safe behind the wheel is essential. Here are some tips from us at Fortress Insurance Agency to help you stay safe on the road here in the Overland Park, KS area and everywhere.

Safe driving tips for new drivers

1. Always wear your seatbelt.

Wearing a seatbelt can drastically reduce your risk of injury in the event of an accident, so it’s important to always put it on before setting off. 

2. Avoid distractions while driving.

Turn off your phone and avoid eating or drinking while driving so that you can keep your full attention on the road. 

3. Obey all speed limits and traffic signals.

Not only is this important for safety reasons, but it can also save you from getting a ticket! 

4. Don’t drive when you’re feeling drowsy or fatigued.

Even if you feel like you could make it home, it’s not worth taking the risk – pull over in a safe place and take a nap until you’re feeling more alert and able to drive safely again. 

5. Check your mirrors often and practice defensive driving techniques.

By checking your mirrors regularly and being aware of other drivers around you, you can anticipate potential risks and take steps to avoid them safely. 

Get The Right Coverage For Your Needs

Following these tips will help keep you safe on the roads as a new driver! For more tips on how to stay safe while behind the wheel, or if you have any questions about your insurance coverage, please give us at Fortress Insurance Agency a call today. We are proud to serve the Overland Park, KS area and would be happy to answer all of your questions. 

What Exactly Does It Mean If a Car is Totaled?

If you have been involved in an automobile accident, your auto insurance provider may inspect your car to determine if it can or should be repaired or whether to salvage the car, also known as totaling the car. At Fortress Insurance Agency, serving the Overland Park, KS area, we have discovered that there is a lot of misinformation about cars being salvaged or totaled.

Here are some of the questions you may have about a car being totaled and the answer:

What Exactly Does It Mean If a Car is Totaled?

If your car is totaled, it means that the cost to repair your vehicle exceeds the value of your vehicle. As such, your car is far more likely to be totaled if it is older, compared to if it is newer. This is because older cars tend to have a lower value, and car repairs can be pricey. 

What Happens If You Do Not Agree That Your Car is Totaled?

If you do not think your car is totaled, you can obtain a second estimate for repairs from another body shop and submit those estimated costs to your insurance company. They may decide to look over the new estimates and change their decision on totaling your car. However, if the repair costs are at or above the amount your car is valued at, your car will be totaled whether you agree or not. 

Contact Us Today

At Fortress Insurance Agency, serving the greater Overland Park, KS area, we are dedicated to helping local residents obtain the auto insurance policies that best protect them in case of an accident. While we cannot prevent your car from being totaled, we can help to ensure you are fully protected in case your vehicle is totaled. Reach out to us today to learn more about allowing us to help you find an auto insurance policy. 

Best places to go boating

Fortress Insurance Agency is located in Overland Park, KS and we serve clients all over Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Texas. 

If you’re looking for a great place to go boating in Texas, you’ll want to check out one of the state’s many beautiful lakes. Lake Buchanan, Lady Bird Lake, Canyon Lake, Inks Lake, LBJ Lake, and Lake Travis are all great options. Each offers its own unique set of activities and scenery. So no matter what kind of boating experience you’re looking for, you can find it in Texas.

Best places to go boating in Texas

Lake Buchanan is a great place to go boating in Texas. It’s well-known for its clear, calm waters, which make it perfect for swimming, fishing, and kayaking. The lake is also home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, bald eagles, and ospreys. If you’re looking for a beautiful place to spend a day on the water, Lake Buchanan is definitely worth checking out.

Lady Bird Lake is another great place to go boating in Texas. It’s located in the heart of Austin and offers stunning views of the cityscape. The lake is a popular spot for fishing, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding. There are also a few restaurants and bars located on the lake’s shores, so you can enjoy a meal or drink while taking in the beautiful scenery. Lady Bird Lake is definitely worth a visit if you’re in the Austin area.

If those scenic locales are not near you, you might want to try one of these instead:

– Canyon Lake

– Inks Lake

– Lake LBJ

– Lake Travis

Get Boat Insurance Today

Be sure to stay safe on the water, and to only go out on a boat that is insured in case anything goes wrong. If you have additional questions about places to visit or your boat’s insurance, call Fortress Insurance Agency. We proudly serve the greater Overland Park, KS area, and in multiple states, including Texas.